Function of 555 timer- So, by this threshold voltage, we are controllingthe output voltage. And same is true with this trigger pin. So, let's say, the voltage at this threshold pin is less than (2/3)Vcc voltage. That means the output of the first comparator is low voltage. Now, whenever this trigger signal goes below this (1/3)Vcc voltage, then the output of the second comparator will become high. So, in this case, S will become 1 and R willbe equal to zero. So, this flip-flop will get set to the logic1. And in a way, the output will also get set to the logic 1. Image Source - Google | Image by - wikimediacommmons So, using these threshold and trigger pins actually we are controlling the output voltage. And in a way, we are controlling the timing of this output signal. So, to change the input voltage to this threshold pin, the external resistor and the capacitors are connected between this threshold and the discharge pin through the supply voltage. And the same is true with...